Distributor of Panasonic FPX-30CR PLC
Arta Usaha Mandiri
Phone: 031-8536552 / 031 - 99042029
Mobile: 081-217665390 / 0811-7229658 / 0811-2776406
whatsapp: 081-217665390 / 0811-7229658 / 0811-2776406
email: [email protected]
Sell Panasonic FPX-30CR Surabaya Sidoarjo Gresik Pasuruan, Panasonic PLC is Programmable Logic Controllers manufactured in Japan with 1 year warranty in the form of CPU PLC module or Control Unit PLC
Our Panasonic PLC Distributor sells Panasonic FPX-30CR PLC
with the specifcation as follows:
.14 Transistor Output channel
.16 Input channel
.RS232 port communication
.Capacity of program 16k stepserving the manufacture of PLC Simulator, PLC programming services, Troubleshooting Services PLC