Sell Panasonic FPX-C30T Surabaya Sidoarjo Gresik Pasuruan, Panasonic PLC Store is Programmable Logic Controllers manufactured in Japan with 1 year warranty in the form of CPU PLC module or Control Unit PLC with output transistor We are PLC panasonic distributor Surabaya Sidoarjo Gresik sell Panasonic FPX-C30T PLC with the specifcation as follows: .14 Transistor Output channel .16 Input channel .Capacity of program 16k step .Data register 12315 words .Internal Relay 4096 points .Timer 1024 points serving the manufacture of PLC Simulator, PLC programming services, Troubleshooting Services PLC More Info Contact: Arta Usaha Mandiri Phone: 031-8536552 / 031 - 99042029 Mobile: 081-217665390 / 0811-7229658 / 0811-2776406 whatsapp: 081-217665390 / 0811-7229658 / 0811-2776406 email: [email protected]