Sell ​​Panel ATS Genset 50KVA Smartgen Surabaya Sidoarjo Gresik The generator consists of a panel that is controlled and designed manually or automatically for an electric generator. 1.Panel AMF (Automatic Main Failure) Is an electrical panel with the function of controlling the system on or off on the engine generator with automatic. Where when the main power has been terminated in its power source so the control panel turns on the generator set machine automatically. In addition, when the main power source lights up again so the control panel was immediately automatically turn off the machine as well. Generally this one panel generator set is combined with a panel on an ATS generator set, commonly referred to as the ATS-AMF Panel. 3.Panel ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) for genset Is an electric panel with the function of controlling 2 sources of electricity that can be handled automatically and safely of course. ATS generator set is actually suitable when used at the factory, office or home who want a security system when moving the main source of electricity to an alternative power source. The 3 types of control panel are electric panels where its use is very close to the generator set, so naturally also called a panel generator set. If there is a blackout automatically by PLN then the circuit will not be active, this series was ready to wait until PLN power is on again, so the supply of generator set was re-entered Specifications Panel ATS Genset 50KVA as follows Motorized COS 4P 100A ZQ5 MCCB 3P 80 ATS AMF Smartgen Module Weekly Timer Contactor Control Pilot Lamp Emergeny Push Botton Battrey Charger 12V 6A Terminal Block 4P 100A Fuse Base + Fuse Link Relay 12V + Socket Box Panel 800 X 600 X 200 Serving Shipping Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Pandaan, Krian, Gempol, Pasuruan, Pandaan, Malang, and Indonesia All regions and services Installation Panel ATS Genset, Service Commisioning Panel ATS Genset Warranty Products and Affordable Prices Arta Usaha Mandiri Phone: 031-8536552 / 031 - 99042029 Mobile: 081-217665390 / 0811-7229658 / 0811-2776406 whatsapp: 081-217665390 / 0811-7229658 / 0811-2776406 email: [email protected]